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berlin collective


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Hundreds of Artworks • Limited editions

Art, that is truly unique

Ultra limited

Editions as low as 10 prints

Certificate of authenticity

Numbered & signed

Art Gallery Quality

Alu-Dibond / Acrylic Glass / Wooden Frames

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Every Artwork comes as a part of a limited series

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Why buy art at Berlin Collective?

For those who see the world as their home, Berlin Collective offers art that resonates with your cosmopolitan spirit. Our limited-edition pieces, crafted by Berlin artists, capture the raw essence of the city. Perfect for global travelers and cultural explorers, our artworks reflect your unique journey and the vibrant soul of Berlin. Celebrate the art and spirit of Berlin with us.

Curated Categories that you'll Love

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Find Artworks that truly speak to you!

Printed on metal, crowned with glass

Each of our art pieces is carefully printed on premium Alu-Dibond, topped with an Acrylic Glass finish for industry-leading quality and brilliance.
Experience the transformative moment as you peel off the protective layer, unveiling your art piece's true, radiant splendor

Certificate of authenticity

Every piece acquired from Berlin Collective comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. Endorsed and authenticated by the founders Frida and Frederic, this certificate serves as your guarantee that the art you own is a genuine and exclusive work from our collection.

From our community

"Just bought my third art piece. Prices are super reasonable and makes it easy to get into building a collection."


Henrik, Berlin

"Absolute stunner. This really took my living room to the next level.


Constance, Paris

"Looks SOOOO much better in person. That feeling, when pulling off the protective layer!"


Maria, Barcelona

"The glossy finish makes it vibrant and different depending on the light in the room."


Benji, Rotterdam

Impossible to ignore

These Artworks will start your conversations automatically

About Berlin Collective

Berlin pulses with an artistic heartbeat where the Fuchs siblings, Frida and Frederic and Andre Kanya have cultivated a hub of creativity known as Berlin Collective.
About Berlin Collective